Submitting Writings for Publication

Reformed Perspectives Magazine accepts well-written submissions for publication:

Submission Format and Procedure

Submissions should be emailed as attachments to our Theological Editor ( Though Word (.doc) format is the most commonly accepted submission format (and the most perferred), acceptable formats also include (in order of preference): Rich Text (.rtf), HTML (.htm, .html), ASP (.asp) and Text with Line Breaks (.txt).

With your submission please include a brief biography and consider sending a small picture of the author (less than 200k in .jpg or .gif format), as well as any other pertinent contact information.

Format Guidelines

Submissions when possible should be submitted in the following MS Word format:

Heading: 14 point bold Arial
Author's Bio: 10 point Arial (indented .5 x .5)
Body: 12 point Arial
Quotes should be completely footnoted (APA) using 12 point Arial
Body should be single spaced and indentions not used except for long footnoted quotes (indented .5 x .5).

Content Guidelines

Submissions may cover any subject that is relevant to Christianity (i.e. Old Testament, New Testament, Theology Proper, Practical Theology, Biblical History, etc.).

Submissions should be written from a broadly Reformed perspective. They need not be distinctively Reformed; evangelical submissions that aren't hostile to the Reformed tradition are acceptable. Challenges to Reformed perspectives are also acceptable, so long as they are from "within the camp" (i.e., Reformed writers critiquing the Reformed tradition). Please see our statement of faith and doctrinal standards for more details regarding Evangelical and Reformed doctrine.

Examples of articles we typically publish include sermons, exegetical papers (all Greek and Hebrew must be transliterated), and essays. However, many other types of articles are also acceptable. Suggestions might include poetry, dialogue, monologue, commentary, etc.

Submissions should be edited well before being submitted. Poorly edited articles are less likely to be published than are well edited articles.

RPM has a strict policy of irenic speech. Inflammatory language, hostility, excessive anger, mocking, profanity, and the like may disqualify your submission. At times such language is justifiable, but we reserve the right to refuse submissions on the basis of tone, as well as to remove offensive tone and language in the editing process. Use your best judgment.

Copyright and Publishing

RPM believes in giving copyright holders full rights over their materials. Authors and other copyright holders retain the copyrights over their submitted materials, and are free to publish elsewhere without obligation to RPM or Third Millennium Ministries. By submitting materials to Third Millennium Ministries, you represent that you have authority to assign publication rights for those materials. If at any time you wish to remove your published materials from Third Millennium Ministries' website(s), simply email your request to our Theological Editor ( and we will comply with your request.

Acceptance, Rejection and Notification

If RPM accepts your submission for publication, you will be notified of this fact by return email to the address from which you submitted it.

If we do not immediately accept your article for publication, we may determine to withhold judgment on it for an indefinite period of time. If after two weeks you have not been notified that your submission has been accepted, you may email our Theological Editor ( to inquire about its status.

If your article is clearly outside the content or format guidelines, you will receive an email notice of rejection by return email to the address from which you submitted it. Notification may or may not be accompanied by an explanation for the rejection.